Week 16 – First week after treatment

  • Weeks after treatment            1
  • Pain                    6/10
  • Mood                 7/10
  • Energy               4/10
  • Side effects     9/10

The doctors told me that the 2 weeks after treatment could be the worst due to the cumulative effects of the radiation. This is not this case for me , it is not better than last week but not worse, perhaps i am a little more tired. The pain from the burns on the neck is noticeable but not that bad, probably due to the morphine. The phlegm is just as annoying as before.

I can do quite a little, go / ride a ride a day, but when time approaches 19 PM, ,my reverse edition of Dracula very quickly goes back into his coffin 🙂
I am reluctantly looking to see the first small cracks of improvement, hopefully they will arrive in the next week.

Week 1 – Whats that lump on my neck?

Christmas was closing in, i still needed to buy a lot of presents and work is very busy, i sat at my two-screen desktop and suddenly wonders why my natural head position was a little to the right.

I felt it at my left side of the neck, – a painless but very noticeable swelling under my jaw. I did not feel sick at all, so what what was it? …