
Welcome to my blog, I assume the reason you have found my blog, is either because

  • You are or have been a HPV tonsil cancer patient or
  • You know someone who has been affected.

I created this blog for use as a tool and source, to those who is affected by this particular cancer.

Be warned that my blog is descriptive and not very personal as the focus for me is giving you a knowledge of the treatment and my best advices for getting through it.

Furthermore,my blog its quite upright , – going through the treatment of HPV tonsil cancer is very tough, both physically and mentally and I do not hide it in my diary.

If you want to look at a more personalized blog i can heartily recommend the Jason Mendelsohn who has created the SupermanHPV homepage, which i found of good use during my treatment, furthermore Jason is a very friendly and helpful guy and will answer your questions.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at: info@hpvtonsilcancerblog.com


I am mid forties male living in Denmark, i am married and father to three children, who has never been seriously sick and despite some extra kilos, on a regular basis does fitness.

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